DNK0101-Blood DNA MiniS Kit (Column Type), The unique Buffer CB and Protein K rapidly lyse cells and inactivate intracellular nucleases, and then selectively adsorb genomic DNA onto the silica matrix membrane in a highly dissociated salt state.
50bp DNA Ladder marker (5μl/T),DM09,50bp DNA Ladder marker (5µl/T) is composed of 9 kinds of linear double stranded DNA, which is used as the reference of DNA relative molecular weight in agarose gel electrophoresis.
DRK225, Auto Magbead Viral DNA/RNA Kit (pre filled), The reagent kit provides a method for extracting viral nucleic acid from samples such as swabs, tissues, feces, blood, serum, and plasma.
HR10-High Resolution Agarose(HR Agarose) powder
has high resolution for PCR products and small DNA fragments, which can be comparable to polyacrylamide and is suitable for separating 20 bp -800 bp DNA fragments.
LM10-low-melting agarose(LM Agarose) powder
The modified low melting point agarose has a finer structure and higher resolution, which is suitable for DNA/RNA electrophoresis. Small fragments of DNA have high resolution for PCR products.