Ladder Marker

150BP DNA Ladder
The 150bp DNA Ladder consists of 8 DNA fragments ranging from 150bp to 1500bp(150, 300, 450, 600, 750, 900, 1200, and 1500bp, the 600bp fragment is 100ng, others are all 50ng).
200BP DNA Ladder
The 200bp DNA Ladder consists of 8 DNA fragments ranging from 200bp to 4000bp(200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1400, 2000 and 4000bp, the 1000bp fragment is 100ng, others are all 50ng).
250BP DNA Ladder
The 250bp DNA Ladder consists of 8 DNA fragments ranging from 250bp to 4500bp(250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, and 40000bp, the 1000bp fragment is 100ng, others are all 50ng).
500BP DNA Ladder
The 500bp DNA Ladder consists of 8 DNA fragments ranging from 500bp to 600bp(500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 and 60000bp, the 2000bp fragment is 100ng, others are all 50ng).
DM500 DNA Marker
The DM500 DNA marker consists of 7DNA fragments ranging from 50bp to 500BP (50bp, 100bp, 150bp, 200bp, 300bp, 400bp, and 500bp, the 200bp fragments is 100ng others are 50ng).